Horse details

This reference is the one assigned to the case by the police and is therefore of the highest importance in identifying the missing horse.
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Horse name
Head: Black forelock, broad white blaze on a brown face. Long dark hairs under jaw line. Mane: Black at forelock end then white falling to offside then Black/brown. Tail: Full and long, mixture of brown/black hairs set on a brown mark. N/F: whie in front to cover knee and behind up to elbow. O/F: white all way round to knee. N/H: all white in front, almost to stifle, behind white continues to quarters. O/H: all white in front, almost to stifle, behind to quarters. Full feathers. A well marked and covered cob type, with fairly broad chest and rounded quarters. A very friendly nature, unshod at the time of theft, trimmed regulary. Contact: 0181 541 1212. Kingston Police Station.
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