Horse details

This reference is the one assigned to the case by the police and is therefore of the highest importance in identifying the missing horse.
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Horse name
Roo is described as fairly fine not cobby. Roo has 3 white socks, 2 behind to midway between fetlock and hock joint one is slightly higher, O/F is white to just above fetlock. One hind leg has a wire scar in the white area. 3 white/ humbug hooves. 1 black hoof N/F. Black mane and tail. Roo has a white stripe on her face med eyes tapering out down to just below were her nose band sits. perfect manners in all ways. Please contact Police LIZ BUCKLY 08456 060606. This pony belonged to an 11 year old girl.
Critical date. If actual date is unknown please enter the first date that you are aware of!