Horse details

This reference is the one assigned to the case by the police and is therefore of the highest importance in identifying the missing horse.
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Horse name
Horse 1. Given name - CASH,14 years old. Gelding. Bay. White star in middle of face. 2 even white socks up to fetlock on rear legs. Front legs are dark. Has a pink mark on muzzle. Described as being a pretty looking horse At the time it went missing it was rugged in a blue Master Rug. It was shod Horse 2. Given name -SPRITE, 12 years old. Gelding. White diamond mark square between the eyes. 2 white socks on rear legs. Left hand leg the sock is low down and can easily be covered by mud. Has pink flesh mark on muzzle. Has a whorl behind left and right ears. Has a whorl in the centre of forehead above eye level At the time it went missing it was rugged in a blue Master Rug. It was shod Horse 3. No given name. Colt yearling. Warmblood Bay coloured, colouring described as mahogany. White snips on face. Not shod or rugged. Horse 4. No given name. Colt yearling. Wormblood Bay coloured, colouring described as mahogany. White snips on face. Not shod or rugged. Both described as being well fed. Hampshire Horsewatch co-ordinator and Force Equine Liaison Officer ' 101 Intl: 605 x 191 ' Mob: 07867 972868 * * Address: Fleet Police Station, 13 Crookham Road, Fleet, Hampshire. GU51 5QQ
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